Extra time added: This interface is retiring in . Check out our new Publisher Interface! Let us know if you miss any features!


Contact us

Adservice A/S
Rosenkrantzgade 23, 2. floor
DK-8000 Aarhus C
Cvr. 30545532

Phone: +45 32 11 45 11
Fax. 69 12 17 83

Adservice Denmark
Phone: +45 32 11 46 11
E-mail: partner@adservice.com

Adservice Finland
Phone: +358 40 021 9285
E-mail: las@adservice.com

Adservice Sweden
Phone: +45 32 53 45 11
E-mail: es@adservice.com

Adservice Norway
Phone: +47 484 00 393
E-mail: kt@adservice.com

Live Support

Please add us on Skype and get the advantage of Adservice live support. We are ready to answer your questions

Denmark: km@adservice.dk
Norway: adservice.support.no
Finland: las.adservice.com
Sweden: adservicesupportse